VC Process
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
There are a number of myths/truths about the venture capital industry
and the process of securing investment from a venture capitalist
(VC) that are important to understand. Fundamentals of the venture
capital process. How to raise money from venture firms.
Suggestions for Being
a Successful Entrepreneur
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
Secrets from a Silicon Valley venture capitalist.
Lessons Learned from the
Internet Boom and Bust
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
Experience really counts. Both the experiences of success and failure
are important and valuable. Only the naïve can value ignorance.
Visions of Trends for
the Next Decade
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
The first decade of the new Millennium will be characterized by
unexpected changes and challenges, accompanied by unintended consequences.
Many of the attributes of human society are being examined and possibly
re-defined from new points of view.
Attention is the Path
from Interest to Commitment
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
Do you know what commitment to a goal really involves? Finding ways
to measure attention, where it is placed, how it is used can be
enlightening. This paper
discusses an approach to developing the kind of laser-sharp focus
needed to be successful, as an individual or as a team.
The Value of Intellectual
by Managing Director Po
Chi Wu
Intellectual Capital is a new form of productive asset, a concept
that has been created in the Information Age. How is Intellectual
Capital valued and how is it different from Intellectual Property?
This paper discusses how a business can build on its Intellectual