Sub-Saharan Africa
Admiralty International and its principals have completed the following assignments in Sub-Saharan Africa
Africa: Africa People Strategy
Consulted and developed Africa People Strategy for major NGO to extend their presence throughout Africa.
Africa: Bank Operations
Management of regional operations and human resources for the UK, Scandinavia, and Africa region of a major international bank. Created and managed operations organizational and capacity changes over multi-country and multi-cultural areas within the region reducing financial/operational risk, improving customer service access, increasing profitability and accountability.
Africa: Bank Strategy Development
Created first long term Africa strategy for a major international bank to include market selection, organization and implementation of the strategy.
Africa: Transitioning NBFI into Commercial Bank.
Developed process and method to transition major non-financial NGO into deposit taking institution.
Angola: Financial Sector Reform and Strengthening Banking Supervision
Conducted a comprehensive review of the financial sector and provided recommendations for the strengthening of the supervision department of the Central Bank.
Botswana: Development of Loan Guarantee Facilities
Prepared the financial appraisal and loan documentation, and undertook final negotiations with Standard Chartered Bank, Bank of Industry and Commerce and Barclays Bank to mobilize loan guarantees.
DR Congo: Gold and Diamond Mining and Export
Developed strategy for financing gold mining and export, for client and own account.
Ethiopia: Institutional Strengthening of the Agricultural Development Bank
Advised the government on the capacity building and institutional strengthening of the state-owned Agricultural Development Bank.
Ghana: Agricultural Diversification - Refrigerated Warehousing for Ghana
Admiralty International investigated the commercial viability of establishing refrigerated warehousing facilities for Ghana's non-traditional export sector (horticulture and fisheries). We facilitated the financing of these operations in tandem with the Ghana Export Promotion Council and the World Bank Resident Mission in Accra. We provided project management, merchant banking, trade and export, horticulture, fisheries and refrigeration expertise. A World Bank project, funded by the Government of Ghana.
Ghana: Agricultural Credit Program
Advised a major US donor on the management of its agricultural credit program which made credit available to farmers’ associations and agricultural SMEs through over 30 local commercial and rural banks. This work included due diligence and detailed reviews of the banks’ commercial loan portfolios.
Kenya: Banking Study
Examined the feasibility of establishing loan guarantee facilities with four non-bank financial institutions, utilizing offshore guarantees to mobilize blocked currencies with an international branch of AIG. USAID funded.
Lesotho: Privatization of the Lesotho Airways Corporation
Admiralty provided legal, merchant banking, negotiating, structuring, airline and privatization expertise to privatize the Lesotho Airways. A successful sale was negotiated by which the Government could ensure the maintenance of essential air services, provided on a commercial and competitive basis.
Lesotho: Privatization of the Lesotho Investment Holdings Ltd.
Admiralty International provided legal, merchant banking, negotiating, structuring, and privatization expertise to the Lesotho National Development Corporation to privatize its shareholdings in five commercial ventures
Liberia: Post Conflict Resolution
Consultant to USAID post-conflict resolution project in Liberia. Worked with the Liberian Civil Service, the objective was to study and recommend revisions to the senior civil servant compensation program to retain experienced and talented individuals to manage the country’s rebuilding program.
Malawi: Microfinance Project.
Provided operations management of a commercial microfinance bank with over 300,000 depositors and 55,000 microcredit loan clients. Provided over 25 banking and insurance products and services to the economically active poor and marginalized people both rural and urban. Bank is known as an innovative leader in research, development and implementation of alternative delivery channels using biometric identification, cash back merchant products, cell phone banking, mobile full service vans, and state of the art supporting information technology.
Mozambique: Review of the Commercial Banking Sector
Undertook a comprehensive review of the commercial banking sector and provided detailed recommendations for financial sector reform to the central bank (Banco de Moçambique).
Mozambique: Commercial Bank Due Diligence
Conducted a full due diligence review of 6 commercial banks to assess their suitability to hold US government funds for disbursement to local projects.
Republic of South Africa: Cellular Telephone Personnel Function
Created business plan and managed implementation of entire HR organization for a new major cellular telephone company. Developed policies, programs, and processes for all HR functions from a zero base.
Sierra Leone: Privatization of the National Insurance Company
Admiralty was engaged by the Government of Sierra Leone to prepare its National Insurance Company for sale. We developed offering documents and identified prospective buyers. The Government fell during the process of structuring, negotiating and closing the sale, and the project was closed prior to completion.
Sierra Leone: Valuation of the National Insurance Company
We assisted the Government of Sierra Leone in the privatization process of the National Insurance Company. Admiralty International valued the National Insurance Company and developed a strategy for divestment and privatization. A World Bank project.
Sierra Leone: Privatization of Six Government Owned Hotels
We assisted the Government of Sierra Leone in the privatization process of six government owned hotels. Admiralty International valued the hotels on income capitalization, comparable room sales and replacement methodologies, developed a strategy for privatizing and recommended a value enhancing strategy. The Government of Sierra Leone fell before the sales were complete and the project abandoned. Funded by the World Bank.
Swaziland: Offshore Banking Center.
Reviewed the feasibility of, and options for, establishing offshore banking and finance center in Swaziland, including legal, economic and financial analyses and direct advisory and consulting work with private sector and government organizations. USAID funded.
Tanzania: Gold Mining and Export
Developed strategy for financing gold mining and export, for client and own account.
Tanzania: Maritime Security
Developed strategy for maritime security for Government of Tanzania, in cooperation with US Embassy and its satellite imaging capabilities.
Tanzania: Commercial Bank Due Diligence
Conducted a full due diligence review of 6 commercial banks to assess their suitability to hold US government funds for disbursement to local projects.
Zimbabwe: Development of Regional Pre-export Financing Facility
We designed the initial framework for a US$ 75 million pre-export financing line to enhance regional exports for the SADCC region.